Take care your sex health !

December 1, 2009

he key to enhancing your sex life isn't pills, diets or a new fad technique: It's information. A careful exploration of your sexual turn-ons and those of your partner, combined with a willingness to put your discoveries into action, will result in more informed, more skillful sex. The following tips are suggestions for how you and your mate can figure out what gets you going.

Ask Questions
1. In order to satisfy someone sexually, you have to first know what turns them on. One of the best ways to improve sex is to ask your partner frank questions about what techniques, positions and practices they like and dislike. A surprising number of people feel shy asking their partners what they enjoy in bed, worried it betrays an unacceptable ignorance on their part. Conversely, some people may feel too inhibited to request a specific sexual act unprompted. Questions can, and should, be posed both before and during sex. If, during sex, you try a new or unusual move, ask your partner whether they would like you to continue doing it. A question, rather than kill the mood, will signal to your mate that you care about getting them off--and that's always sexy.
Know Your--and Your Partner's--Anatomy
2. In her book "Seven Weeks to Better Sex," sexologist Domeena Renshaw says that before beginning her treatment of couples in sexual therapy, she asks them to perform a thorough examination of their own bodies and that of their partners. Often, she finds, people have little understanding of how their own sexual anatomy works, or even where certain parts are. This ignorance of one's own erogenous zones can lead to confusion, frustration and shame, all of which can be avoided by taking some time with one's partner to do some exploring, possibly with the aid of a comprehensive anatomical chart.
Try Something New
3. While people may seldom turn to their mothers for advice in matters sexual, one bit of counsel Mom gave you at the dinner table holds true in the bedroom: "You won't know if you like it unless you try it." Unless new things are occasionally introduced, sexual relationships, especially long-term ones, risk stagnation. If you've developed a base level of trust with your partner, suggest trying something that neither of you has attempted before, such as a new position (reverse cowgirl?), a new technique (anal play?) or a new element (toys? handcuffs? feather dusters?). While neither partner should be pressured into something they're uncomfortable with, an adventurous spirit can open previously undiscovered avenues of enjoyment for both partners.
Don't Be Fooled by Passion in a Pill
4. Some hucksters promise a different kind of sexual enhancement, particularly for men, that can be found in pills, potions or creams. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration specifically warns against these sorts of "sexual enhancement," saying that none has been scientifically endorsed and they can even contain toxic chemicals


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